
Module 7 - Specialty Categories

One of the biggest mistakes that most wellness professionals and coaches make?  They promote themselves as having a niche when, in fact, they actually have a specialty. They hear that having a niche will make marketing stand out above the rest and more clients will come to them for support. Absolutely. Focusing on one area to specialize in makes marketing easier by focusing an appealing to a specific type of clientele. So what’s the difference between a specialty and a niche?

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A specialty is the style or type of work that you offer. So for example, if you’re a yoga teacher that teaches a specific type of yoga, for example Hatha yoga, Hatha Yoga is your specialty. Or if you’re a massage therapist who focuses on sports massage, then using techniques to enhance physical activity is your specialty.  If you’re a coach that focuses on health and wellness, then wellness is your specialty within coaching.

Specialties describe the specific type of work that you do to support clients. Having a specialty is important and can help you define your niche. But let’s be clear, a specialty is not a niche.

A niche is not a style or type of work or even a type of person.  Instead, it’s the problem you solve for a certain group of people.

A niche answers two questions:

  1. What is the problem you help solve?
  2. Who has the problem that you solve?

When you first hear this, you might think you solve many problems and that it can help many people who have that problem. The truth is, you’re right! Most wellness professionals, coaches and healers can help solve a variety of issues for a lot of people.

But when it comes to marketing, that doesn’t matter. What matters in marketing is drilling down and getting very clear on the BIGGEST problem you solve and the people who have the BIGGEST desire to have it solved.

If you’re a Wellness Coach your niche might be: Helping new mothers lose those last 10 baby pounds so they can have more energy and look and feel amazing.

And if you’re a Stone Massage Therapist your niche might be: Helping athletes end muscle tension so they can perform the very best at their sport.

Having both a specialty and a niche allows you to go deeper for your clients. This is about making you stand out with what you do so the people who need to work with you can find you and you can help them on a deeper level.