
Spiritual Leadership and Coaching

Often unprepared for the shifting landscape of ministry in today’s world, pastors, ministry staff and church leaders find themselves inadequate to affect the cultural change needed within their congregations.

Church leaders have been adopting core principles of coaching as a primary means of leadership support for a variety of specific ministries as well as general parish ministry. Pastors who have worked with a coach consistently comment on the value coaching has had for them both personally and professionally. Through more effective leadership, coaching has benefited the congregations they serve and contributed to the building of a healthier church from the ground up.

While primarily oriented toward clergy and those who work with clergy and church leaders, “clergy coaching” also appeals to those are interested in using their spiritual resources and understanding combined with basic coaching fundamentals.

In particular the training would be of benefit to:

  • Clergy who want to develop their coaching skills.
  • Psychologists, Consultants, and Counselors who are also clergy or who work with clergy and churches.
  • Spiritual Directors and Chaplains
  • Leaders who coach or mentor staff and volunteers.
  • Psychologists, Counselors and Coaches who want to work as Life Coaches.
  • Coaches who want to work in the business world in a way that honors their values and spirituality.


There are specific skills which aid the effectiveness of a clergy person.  Focus on these through coaching can assist the clergy person in their responsibilities.  The skills often focused on are:

  • Time management
  • Life balance in ministry
  • Interpersonal relationship skills
  • Effective meeting agenda
  • Leadership skills for new clergy
  • Working with ministry/work teams/ committees