
Module 8: Package Up Your Signature System to Sell

Now that you have your signature system mapped out and named, you need to package it into a fully-fledged program to help your clients and customers implement it.  

In this module you’ll explore the different possibilities and make a decision on the best way to deliver your signature system to your customers.

Make Your Signature System Easy to Implement

Just giving people your system without any guidance or advice on how to use it won’t get them the results they want. They need your help to take your system and put it into practice.

Choose to package your first signature system as a medium ticket offer. This will be your core program. It’s not an entry level product like an eBook, or a high-end one like a done-for-you solution. You can always add other levels later.

Identify Your Primary Delivery Method

Back in the first module, we looked at the different formats for teaching your signature system. As you’re developing a medium ticket offer, it’s more likely to involve one of the following or a combination:

Primary coaching delivery method

Options vary and can be one-on-one, group-based, self-study, or a mix of different methods. You might teach it face-to-face, or online, or use a combination of online and offline methods.

Some programs are very demanding when clients can go into depth on each step; others are less intensive but still valuable.

Here are some examples of ways to package up your system:

  • Video series that you drip-feed to people over a period of time
  • Webinar or webinar series, depending on the complexity of the system
  • Any combination, which is great for more intricate systems that require more steps or time
  • E.g. webinar overview plus an online course plus weekly Q&A sessions plus optional one-on-one coaching calls or email access
  • 8-week online course
    • Include an introductory session and seven subsequent weeks where you cover one step per week
  • Bootcamps – intensive time with you in a group (either in person or virtual)
  • Group Coaching programs – 3-month program to work through the steps and take action

How to Choose Your Delivery Method

Out of all these methods, you need to choose one or an appropriate combination that will be right for your core program and will give people the best chance for success.

  • For example, if you offer your signature system via an online delivery method which is rather impersonal, you might also offer email contact with you in case of problems.
  • If you offer a webinar series for a group where there is little opportunity for interaction, you might add membership of a private Facebook group.

What Will Work Best?

What will work best for your primary target customer? You need to look at the pros and cons. Ask yourself, could a busy entrepreneur give up a whole day to spend a VIP day with you? Would an online program be a better fit? But, can you get the results you promise this entrepreneur from an online program?

Consider your preferred style of working as well and see if this would be appropriate for your chosen target market. You might prefer teaching face-to-face and feel you perform your best this way, but would this be feasible? If not, and your customers would respond better to an online program, add in some video content of you talking to them to recreate some of the feeling of being in the same room. This is your business after all, so your preferences come into play as well.

For Now..

You need to choose the way you want to deliver this initial signature system. You can always modify or add to it later, and you probably will change it as you learn more about what people need to implement your system successfully.

Clarify the Features and Benefits of Your Signature Program

You’ve already worked out the benefits to a user of your signature system. Packaging the system into a program means that the delivery method itself brings benefits.

The features of your delivery method like group Q&A calls, video, webinars, email support etc. are included for a reason. You need to be clear about why you include them, as these will be benefits of your program.

  • A group Q&A call included with an online program allows people some access to you personally and a chance to ask any questions they have about the system ‘live’ and get your input.  
  • A mastermind group added to a video series gives your students a forum to discuss their experiences with others and get your guidance.

What To Do Next

Get clear on why you’re offering these features. They are generally included to assist the implementation of your signature system.

Identify the benefits associated with each one. These will add value to your offer and will provide important copy when you market your signature system.

For example, if you offer email contact, specify what you mean exactly. For some people, “email contact” might mean emailing you daily expecting immediate answers. But to you it might mean they can send one email a week to update you on their progress. There’s a big difference between the two. There’s no right or wrong answer, but you need to be precise so your customer will know what to expect and there’s no confusion.

Key Takeaways

  • There are many ways to teach people how to implement your system, but start with whatever program will get the best results for people.
  • Once you have designed your core delivery method, you need to clarify all the features of your offer.

Action Steps

  1. Quick Win:  Write down your preferred way of working with clients and customers e.g. face-to-face, online, in groups, one-on-one etc.    
  2. Choose the delivery method(s) that works best for your target customers and which you feel will help them implement your system most effectively.
  3. List the features of your signature offer, say why you’ve included them and what benefits each one brings to your signature program.

Todd McCall


I help practices who are marketing professional services get the attention they deserve by developing an online presence that converts visitors into clients.

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