
3 Probing Coaching Questions for Gauging a Client’s Commitment to a Goal

As you near the end of every coaching session, it is important to take a moment to summarize everything that you have discussed in order to ensure that both you and your clients are on the same page regarding their action plan in the days and weeks to come. Before you run wrap things up, it is a good idea to ask a few probing questions to check that your clients are really as energized about their way forward as you think they are. If they do not seem 100% committed when they are asking the following questions, find out why and encourage them to decide on a strategy that they can really get behind.

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about this project?

This simple closed ended question is an excellent way measure just how much faith your clients have in themselves and the way forward that they have discussed during your session. If they happen to answer back with a 10 and say that they’re supercharged and ready for action, then that’s terrific. In most cases, though, your clients will respond somewhere between 7 and 9. When they do, simply follow up with the next question.

2. What would it take turn that number into a 10?

Okay, they’re not 100% on board, so just find out why. The chances are that there was at least one more obstacle that they didn’t bring up earlier for some reason. Once you have identified any remaining obstacles, simply coach them through the process of identifying options and choosing a strategy until they can answer your original question with a 10.

3. This sounds like a pretty good plan of action for the next few weeks. How many of these items do you think you will have completed by the next time we get together?

The purpose of this question is the same as Question 1 but this time we’re ask about quantity instead of quality. Assuming that you do not meet with your clients more than once a month, they the short term strategy that they chose for the next few weeks should cover items that they are intended to accomplish. If they answer this question leaving out substantial portions of their action play, ask them why. This isn’t a device designed to call out your clients; it’s simply provides them with an opportunity to test their resolve.