
Top Three Professional Coaching Associations

Once you have established yourself as a life coach or business coach and started getting your practice off the ground, you might consider becoming a member of a professional coaching association. Members of reputable coaching associations can use their membership...

7 Top Coaching Niches

As you progress in your development as a life or business coach, you might find that your personal or professional background lends itself particularly well to one of the many coaching specialities. Let’s take a look at the top seven forms of specialty coaching....

Masterful Life & Business Coaches Never Call the Plays

One of the biggest misconceptions that new clients have about the profession coaching process is that their coach is going to give them advice or tell them what to do. In order to illustrate how the process really works, let’s use the GROW model to compare a moment in...

The Power of Probing Questions

All coaches know that questions have the power to change our relationships, our perspectives, our beliefs, our self-image and, yes, questions even have the power to change lives. So effective, timely questions are ALWAYS essential tools for the coach’s ability to...